21 April 2014

Pink Mondays

A few weeks ago I agreed to make a hat and scarf for my mother's friend. The scarf was finished faster than I expected. The hat on the other hand was not a smooth knit at all! I completed it but after blocking it looked like a mansion for a head rather than a hat. Sighs. There is nothing I hate more having to get all the way to the end of a knit only to end up remaking the exact thing with the same yarn!!!! It sucks.

I got my new labels!!! Very happy with them. I plan on ordering another set from Lindsey's shop
More info on pattern and yarn can be found here

14 April 2014

Strutting My Stuff

The weather today in New York has been absolutely fantastic. I woke up on the right side of the bed....days like these are wonders for my soul. I was in the mood to wear a dress. The dress was in need of a csrdi....hmmmm if only I had a blue csrdi to wear with my dress. Rifling through my closet what did I find ? Lady kina- the csrdi I knitted last month. I wish my vocabulary contained the right words to describe the feeling of wearing something made by one's own hands. I even attached one of my labels. I love LOVE my cardi. Had my coworker snap a pic of me in it during my lunch break.

06 April 2014

Walk down memory lane

My journey into the world of handcrafts started with crochet. My first project was a 19" doily made from j&p coats thread with a 1.25mm milward hook. In retrospect I wouldn't start off with that as a first time project. Back then I knew no limitations and just wanted to learn. My poor finger went through some painful experiences all in the quest to make chains, single crotchets and double crotchets. It was worth it though. I fell in love and there was no going back to a world of wishing and hoping I could one day "make stuff". Ninety nine percent of the patterns I had access too were doilies. I wasn't internet savvy then either. What does a Guyanese girl living in a Guyana in 2000 do in such a situation? Create her own designs of course!!! Bags were my favourite thing to make. I couldn't make them fast enough. I didn't need a reason, season or rhyme to create one. I remembered one day I had a school fair to go to and wanted a bag to match my outfit. Smiles, a black clutch with an orange heart was born. I miss those days. It was a time of unbridled creativity and no second guessing. Just a pure desire to create. The love was real and fierce. Then I met knitting and another love affair began. Crochet took a back seat....creating my own designs disappeared from the horizon. Over the weekend though I did a little dabbling. I can be notoriously selective about what I choose to make and whom I choose to make them for. No one knows this better than Turks. She's dropped so many hints and made outright requests even offered to compensate me for making different items. The results are always the same:- a different way of saying no! Lol. I laugh now as I write this because I can just imagine what she's going to say when she reads this. Anywaysssss, a few days ago she asked ( she's persistent) me to make a simple bag for her passport. I am in the middle of three projects, the last thing I need is a request for something else. Did I mention she wanted it by yesterday? Yeah...the nerveeeee. I'm a slow knitter. I've admitted this to myself and accepted it. I wish I were one of those who could crank out sweaters, socks, scarves, hats, even houses at lightening speed. I'm not. I'm a turtle. A lightbulb went off, why not crochet the bag. I made quite a few bags back in the day that would satisfy her request. Hook in hand and some stash acrylic yarn, I allowed my fingers to guide me. I didn't over think it. I just went with the flow. No bells and whistles. The body was crocheted and the strap knitted (I-cord). It was like visiting an old long friend....I had nothing but good memories.

03 April 2014

Another sale...sighs

Craftsy had a really good sale last week....yarn...sales...words that I can't ever resist. I broke my promise of not buying anymore yarn for "awhile" .... Well in my defense yarn sales are the exception to the rule :). I bought a sweater's worth of cascade 220 heathers in colourway 2454. Not sure what the colour is called outside of craftsy but it looks so much better in person. The picture doesn't do it justice. I have a pattern in mind but I know myself well enough to know how quickly that may change....in the meantime I have the yarn to help me decide what it wants to be