The air is beginning to feel chilly. I love fall- for the fashion. I love wearing cardigans, sweaters, tights, boots and HATS. If you can't tell by now I love hats. In my everyday life I try to wear them as often as I can. You would think for as many hats that I've made that I would have many for myself. Sadly, I have very few hats for me made by me. I don't always like how certain styles look on my head. I got lucky when I made
Bergen street. It fits me exactly how I want it to. I wasn't sure it would fit since I mistakenly over blocked it. It is now more of a slouchy toque than it was prior to blocking. This is going to be my fall/winter staple.
Looking forward to discovering even more faves
This is a cutie. Love the style of it and how the pattern falls in the back. :)